Feb 8, 2024

The way your Lincoln reacts when you step on the brake pedal can give you a lot of insight into the condition of your brakes. The following signs will tell you when it’s time for brake repair services from your Lincoln dealer to ensure your brakes function properly when you need them.

7 Signs Your Lincoln Needs a Brake Repair From Your Lincoln Dealer

1. The Brake Pads Are Worn Out

When you press the brake pedal, a hydraulic system with brake fluid activates the calipers to grip the rotors. The friction between the brake pads and rotors slows down and stops your car. As the brake pads wear down, their effectiveness diminishes. Replace your brake pads once they reach about a quarter-inch thickness to maintain braking performance.

2. Unusual Squeaking or Grinding Noises

If your brake pads have worn, you might notice squeaking sounds when applying the brakes. These noises are caused by wear indicator bars in the brake pads, warning it’s time for a replacement. When the brake pads wear down completely and start rubbing against and damaging the rotors, you may hear grinding noises. 

3. Your Brakes Are Unresponsive 

Your brakes may not be working properly if they are slow to bring your car to a stop when you press the brake pedal. It’s important to have your Lincoln technician check your brakes immediately when they are unresponsive. This issue could be caused by worn brake pads or a brake fluid leak.

4. Vibrations Through the Brake Pedal

If you feel vibrations in the brake pedal while braking, it could indicate that the rotors are warped and not making even contact with the brake pads. Rotors warp due to wear and heat from excessive braking.

5. Veering to the Side 

When your car veers to one side when you apply the brakes, it might be due to worn brake pads, contaminated brake fluid, a stuck caliper, or a collapsed brake hose. Address these issues as soon as possible to ensure your safety.

6. A Brake Fluid Leak

If you have to refill the brake fluid or see spots under your car, there could be a brake fluid leak. Addressing leaks promptly is essential because low brake fluid levels can compromise your braking effectiveness.

7. A Brake System Warning Light Is On 

Lastly, if a warning light related to the brakes illuminates on your dashboard, it indicates an issue with your braking system that needs attention. Make sure to get your brakes fixed promptly to guarantee they function properly whenever you hit the brake pedal.

If you’re having problems with your brakes, contact Astro Lincoln in Pensacola, FL, now for repairs. Our skilled Lincoln technicians will make sure that your brakes are working perfectly to give you the stopping power you need to be safe on the road.